- 4mph top speed
- 8 miles range
- 18 Stone max user weight
- Small compact size - great for transporting in a boot!
⭐FREE DELIVERY - Delivered fully built with all packaging removed, our engineer will adjust the scooter to your needs, show you how everything works, how to charge it, use it and store it, any questions you have will be answered.⭐
⭐ Our FREE telephone helpline service is available 7 days a week for troubleshooting and advice on 📞01329 729 055 ⭐
⭐ 1 YEAR COMPREHENSIVE WARRANTY - Parts, labour and call out, we'll come to you if there's a problem that can't be fixed over the phone!⭐
The Ultralite 480 is the ultimate transportable scooter. With its compact and lightweight design, the 480 ensures you stay independent at all times. This scooter has a proven reputation for outstanding design and reliability.
Easy to transport, the 480 can be dismantled in seconds; no cables to worry about, just quick-release locks, convenient lifting handles and lightweight manageable components.
Easy to stow, the 480 can be stored vertically in your home if space is an issue, and fits easily into most car boots when taken apart.
Rascal Ultralite 480
Overall Width 20" / 51cm Overall Length 40" / 102cm Battery 2 x 12v - 12AH Max. Range 8 miles Max. Speed 4mph Maximum user weight 18 stone / 114.5 kg Total weight 90 lbs / 43kg Ground clearance 2" / 5cm Seat type Lightweight 360 degree swivel Maximum Safe Slope 6 degrees